Kireçtepe Martyrdom
21.05.2024 21:25
Some martyrs in the Gallipoli peninsula are real and some are symbolic. Kireçtepe Gendarmerie martyrdom, which is a true martyrdom, is located at the peak of Kapanca Tepe. It is not possible to visit this special place and not have goose bumps while the conversations are going on.
On the side of the martyrdom graves, the monument of the Gendarmerie of Kireçtepe draws attention. This monument sits on top of an old stone. The monument is surrounded by a low wall made of stone. The inscriptions on these gravestones are Ottoman. The presence of the monument represents the superior success of the Turkish defence immediately after the withdrawal of foreign forces. Two other monuments situated with similar motivation are found on the Gallipoli peninsula.
The monument of the Gendarmerie martyrdom of Kireçtepe was repaired in 1996. In this repair, the burial sections are also overhauled. The Eceabat gendarmerie forces undertake this repair. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is known to have visited the martyrdom while continuing to fight and congratulated the gendarmerie soldiers for their struggle. The second monument in the region is Kireçtepe Monument. The architect of this inscription is Ahmet Gülgönen. This section was added in 1985. There is also a Turkish explanatory text on the inscription. The inscription is located just fifty meters east of the point where the martyrdom is.
This actual martyrdom in memory of Gallipoli and Bursa Gendarmerie battalions is visited throughout the year. These two battalions form the right flank of the Defence Corps during the war period. They outnumber the infantry during the war. In this sense, the number of troops in the unit is less than thought. This unfortunately causes them to have a hard time in the face of the enemy. Transportation to Kireçtepe Gendarmerie martyrdom is very easy. To visit the area, you must follow the road connecting via The Salt Lake. In the same way, it is possible to come through the Anafartalar Plain.

21.09.2022 08:57Çanakkale’de ilk şehitliklerden birisi burası bölgedeki çoğu abide ve şehitlik Cumhuriyet sonrası yapılmıştır. Buradaki Kireçtepe anıtı savaşın sonlarında yapılmıştır. Anıtta kullanılan kovanlar gerçek top mermilerinin kovanlarıdır. Anıt yapıldıktan sonra önünde Anafartalar grup komutanı Albay Mustafa Kemal’in olduğu bir resim ile harp mecmuasına da basılmıştır