Maltepe Mosque
18.09.2024 12:23
The Maltepe Mosque, located in the Çankaya District of Ankara, bears the signature of Recai Akçay. The historic mosque, whose construction began in 1954, is opened for worship at the end of five years. There are contributions of an association to the construction process of the mosque, which was opened in 1950.
Located in the Maltepe District, this historical place of worship resembles classic Ottoman mosques. The structure, all built of cut stones, has two minarets and a single dome. Architecturally it has a square plan. There are a lot of stained glass windows in the space. This provides a good illumination of the interior. When one looks carefully at the hill section of the dome, it is seen that Surah Al-Fatihah is written.
The walls of the Maltepe Mosque are covered with Kütahya tiles. These tile decorations rise up to five meters. After the end of the decorations, the marble structure on which the Surah Tegabün is written draws attention. The outer congregation area in the northern section of the mosque has five domes of small diameter. The association that contributes to the mosque continues today as the ’ Ankara Maltepe Mosque Construction and Survival Association'. In fact, the first planned land for the mosque is in the use of units belonging to the municipality of Çankaya. In later periods, the municipality allocates to the association the land where the mosque is located. The municipality transfers the rights of use to the association for 90 years. The efforts and donations of benevolent people are also effective in this process.
The mosque's minarets, which are close to 30 meters above the ground, are reached by 142 stairs. Maltepe mosque has three gates in total. In the focus of the dome, there is a small balcony with three separate facades. A chandelier dangling down from here immediately attracts attention. It is known that this chandelier was a gift to the mosque by Sadi Hoşses.

27.10.2022 07:27Bana göre Ankara'nın en görkemli ve mütevazı camiilerinden biri.