Ancient City Of Araxa
16.08.2024 09:58
There is a distance of about 40 kilometers between the ancient city of Araxa and Fethiye, which is located within the borders of Muğla. The ancient city is also referred as Araxa in some sources. Those wishing to visit the ancient city of Araxa should follow the signs of ‘Ören village’ directly. When you follow the road to the village, the ancient city will welcome you with all its might.
The ancient city of Araxa is also located inside the Xanthos Valley. The mountains in this valley act as a natural fortification. The ancient city is home to the famous Xanthos Brook stories. In this sense, it is hardly a foreign place for those keen on mythological stories. The most known of these stories is that the people committed mass suicide instead of surrendering to the enemy. Araxa is the name of an important hero who served as an ambassador between the two sides after the war.
The ancient city of Araxa contains many baths or rampart ruins. There are also very important water channels used to bring water in Byzantine times. Although today it is in a disrepair and dilapidated state, at that time it had a very important function in meeting the water needs of the people of the region. Apart from these water sources, Lyian houses are the symbol of this place. On the other hand, a tomb known to belong to Orthagoras draws attention. In addition, you may encounter many Lycian tombs.
The ancient city of Araxa is located in the District of Seydikemer in Muğla. Araxa, one of the ancient cities of Lycia, is located exactly at the source of the Xanthos stream. At the immediate edges of this streamlet you can find many Gothic style sarcophagus burial caps. The writings contained here are unfortunately not in a condition to be read today.
