Boğatepe Cheese Museum
13.07.2024 21:57
The Cheese Museum in Kars, which in itself challenges the Netherlands with dozens of cheeses waiting to be discovered, is the first and only example in this area in Turkey.
Tsar Aleksander I, who held russia's rule in the 1800s, drives a community called Malakan, whose religious beliefs and ideologies did not overlap with the Christian Orthodox churches of that time. Makalans, whose majority are White Russian, are also forced to immigrate to Kars. Malakans, who took refuge in the Ottoman Empire, the owners of Anatolia at the time, settle in The Boğatepe Village of Kars. The people who bring together their cultural richness and culinary flavors, here begin the production of cheese, and Kars becomes the capital of cheese, especially the famous gruyere.
In 1910, the visit of Swiss Cheese Producer David Moser to Kars revealed both locals and today's gruyere engravings. Moser Fascinated by the nature of the city, teaches the public to make gruyere cheese faster and in large quantities. Today, the type of cheese known as gruyere is also frequently used in Turkish cuisine since then.
Kars land, which is only a fish in the sea for cheese production with its large pasture areas, also maximizes the quality of milk obtained from animals. Dozens of kinds of cheeses obtained from these milks also takes major place at the tables as unique flavors to both Anatolia and other countries.
Boğatepe Cheese Museum, Turkey's first and only cheese museum, is a vibrant museum with dozens of cheeses and local-specific healing endemic plants on display. The museum one of the indicators of wealth in Turkish cuisine, is also one of the city's attractions.

22.09.2022 07:46Peynirin merkezinden geçmişi çok uzun yıllara dayanan deneyimlerin gözlem yapılacağı bir mekan. Kars ziyaretinde uğranılması gereken bir nokta.
11.01.2024 15:27Merkezi bir noktada, gezmesi keyifli bilgi dolu bir müze. İnekte sağabilirsiniz😶🌫️
01.08.2022 07:54Burası Gravyer ve kaşar peynirinin başkenti Yerli üretim malesef bitirilmiş ama en güzel peynirleri yine burada bulabilirsiniz