Red Courtyard (Red Hall Basilica)
23.06.2024 15:43
There is no doubt that the Mediterranean geography was not generous enough in bringing the great civilizations of thousands of years ago to the present. Many Roman cities can only be seen as relics dumped on the ground. However, Anatolian geography knows to meet expectations at many points when it comes to these glorious times of history. The red courtyard, a prominent element of the ancient city of Pergamon in Izmir, is also among the values welcomed. The Red Courtyard, a large temple measuring 60 x 20 meters, is often referred in literature as the Red Hall Basilica. The structure, which has a history of close to 2 thousand years, has reached the present day in good condition, and is also shown to be among the largest temples of the entire ancient Roman world. It was built in the 2.century. The Roman Emperor Hadriaunus is known to have commissioned it to worship Egyptian gods such as Isis, Serapis. In front of the tower-like structures on both sides, there are courtyards measuring 270 x 100 meters in total. Human-shaped caryatites, figures of men and women can be seen here. Drawing attention with its red color, which promises a visual feast, the building attracts attention with the statues in front of it. The historical value, which has undergone restoration, is a magnificent temple when viewed from the outside. Some objects and pieces of sculpture are exhibited in the vicinity. In the interior, the remains of the pool with the base of the cult statue can also be examined. The historic Roman temple, which was converted into a church in the following centuries, however, with its many precious parts, makes cultural tourism trips to the location a rich experience.

22.08.2022 06:32Bundan tam 2020 yıl önce inşa edilen bir yapı, aradan geçen zamanı düşününce detayları hayranlık uyandırıyor. İncilde adı geçen Anadolu'daki ilk 7 kiliseden biriymiş. Yapıldığı döneme göre devasa büyüklükte bir yapı. Mısır üslübunda ki taşıyıcı figürler olması sebebiyle Mısır Tanrıları Tapınağı olarak da bilinen yapıtta 8.50 m. yüksekliğinde Mısır Tanrıçası Sekhment heykeli vardır, heykelin bir kısmı 2013 yılında restorasyon çalışmalarında tamamlanmıştır.
21.09.2022 12:29Biraz daha restore edilirse dünyanın tanıyacağı bir yer olabilir. Aslan başlı tanrı heykeli başarılı şekilde restore edilmiş. Yanında 4 tane daha farklı heykel var parçaları kayıp.
31.05.2023 14:48Avlusuyla meşhur bir yer