Piri Mehmet Pasha Mosque

Piri Mehmet Pasha Mosque

26.08.2021 21:04

Piri Mehmet Pasha Mosque is located in the Fatih district of Istanbul, close to the Zeyrek Cistern. It was built by Grand Vizier Piri Mehmet Pasha, one of the prominent bureaucrats of the 16th century in the Ottoman Empire. It is also known as the Cold Well Mosque.

The work was extensively rebuilt in 2013, including its interior and tile roof. Therefore, the altar, pulpit, sermon, women's gathering place are not original. The ceiling part is made of wood as it was in its original state. It has a minaret with a single balcony.

Piri Mehmet Pasha was brought up in Amasya, studied at the madrasa, worked as a judge, and started his career as a bureaucrat with the Anatolian treasurer. He was in the Çaldıran War of the Ottoman Empire in the east, and he attracted the attention of Sultan Yavuz Sultan Selim with the words he said in the war council. On the return of the campaign, a vizier is made in 1514. Four years later, he was appointed as the grand vizier until his retirement in 1523.

During his reign, the conquests of Belgrade and Rhodes took place. It is known that he died in 1532 in his farm in Silivri, where he retired. His tomb is next to the mosque he had built in Silivri. He was known as a serious, cautious and mighty person. They have poems. In addition to the Piri Mehmet Pasha Mosque, he left many auspicious works behind.


Piri Mehmet Pasha MosquePiri Mehmet Pasha Mosque




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