Air Cemetery
27.03.2024 10:23
Air Martyrdom is located in Fatih District of Istanbul. The martyrdom, located in Fatih Park in Saraçhanebaşı, was established on April 2, 1914. Before the groundbreaking ceremony, the area where the monument is located is surrounded by a large wooden curtain. Together with the monument, its construction is completed at the end of 2 years. This is a work of Vedat Tek, one of the successful architects of that period. The architectural feature of the monument reflects how far the Ottomans progressed in the field of sculpture.
Air Martyrdom Monument is erected in memory of the first martyrs of Turkish aviation history. These names are Fethi, Sadık and Nuri beys. These names, all three of whom are military pilots, carry out important activities in the field of aviation. At that time, upon the special request of Enver Pasha, they made a 2500-kilometer flight between Istanbul and Cairo. This symbolic flight also aims to show the beginning of aviation activities in the Ottoman Empire.
Fethi Bey and Sadik Bey, who were military pilots, were martyred on 27 February 1914 while they were flying between Damascus and Jerusalem. Another military pilot, Nuri Bey, was martyred in Jaffa 12 days later. The tombs of these names, which are very important in terms of being the first air martyrs, are located in the Salahaddin Eyyubi Tomb in Syria today. The Air Martyrdom Monument in Fatih keeps the memories of these special names alive.
The monument is made of white marbles and bronze. It is placed on an imposing marble base. Interestingly, the monument's brokenness is a conscious choice because it represents an unfinished flight. The monument, which has a height of 7 and a half meters, has a bronze inscription. A laurel branch also made of bronze stands out on the column structures. A special ceremony is organized in front of this monument every year because of the air martyrs.

29.09.2022 07:171916 yılında, Türk havacılık tarihinin ilk şehitleri olan Fethi, Sadık ve Nuri Beylerin anısına yapılmış olan abide, eski Fatih Belediye binası önündeki parkta bulunuyor.