Leaden Mosque

Leaden Mosque

08.04.2024 21:03

Erzurum, as the economic and political center of the region for thousands of years of history, continues to exist today. In this beautiful city, home to hundreds of scholars and different cultures for centuries, it fascinates those who see them with the aesthetics of Kurşunlu Mosque. Kurşunlu Mosque, built by Sheyhülislam Feyzullah Efendi in 1701, is one of the most important works reflecting Ottoman culture and architecture. The mosque, which has a square plan, stands out with its solid cutting stones used in its construction. Its eight pulp domes are among the other prominent structural features. Kurşunlu Mosque, which exhibits the most elegant examples of Turkish wood and glass craftsmanship, amazes those who see it with its wooden minberian and marble altar. In rooms within the historical mosque, the madrasa training system from the Seljuk and Ottoman periods is applied. Flattened rooms, each built in small sizes, face-to-face madrasah training, sits permanently. The mosque, named after its lead-covered dome, is also known among the people by the names of The Fevziye Mosque or The Sheyhülislam Mosque.


Leaden MosqueLeaden MosqueLeaden MosqueLeaden Mosque




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