Troy Museum
14.01.2024 05:37
The Troy Museum, located about 32 kilometers south of Çanakkale, is located at the entrance to the ruins of Troy. Many vessels pots and pans, trinkets, glassware, sculptures and architectural finds found in the archaeological work carried out in the ancient city, which lived between 3000 BC and 400 BC, are exhibited in this museum.
Although it is a new museum, it has a remarkable size with a total area of 90 thousand square meters. In addition to the display areas, there are also social equipment and storage areas. It consists of three floors and can be seen in various titles, especially in Western civilization, which shed light on the Hellenistic period. These include The Archaeology of the Troas region, Bronze Age finds, the epic of The Iliad, The Battle of Troy, Ancient Period, Eastern Rome and finally the Ottoman Period.
The visit, which starts by going up the ramp and then landing, thus begins with different surface layers, photographs, sculptures and recreations of the ancient period. In the entrance area, there are parts of the archaeological information. Schematics, text and drawings were used in this context.
Then the ancient history of Assos, Parion and the surrounding cities and the life of the people extend from the ground floor almost to the present day with various finds. From puppets to marble artifacts, from bone tools to masks, many objects fascinate the beholder. There are also areas of information for children in this area. After striking values such as Altikulac Tomb and Troas gold, the first floor is reached.
On the first floor, references to commercial activities related to urban life stand out. The technological elements on this floor are also striking... For example, the abandonment of the city is described with a visual feast of effects and reflections. Iron tools and pottery can also be examined on the first floor.
On the second floor of the museum, the periods between the Archaic Period and the Eastern Roman Empire are studied. The epic of the Iliad and the Troy War is transferred from models to coins, from items to digital programs in different ways but with all aspects. On the second floor, the narrative of the Battle of Troy, inspired by the shadow play, is also among the highlights.On the last floor, the Ottoman period stands out with traditions, social and economic pursuits. In addition, there is information on archaeologists from the 9th century onwards.

18.07.2022 09:36dışarıdan küçük gibi gözüksede içerisi tam bir tarih cenneti. kademe kademe kat çıkarken bir yandan da geçmişten günümüze yakın çevredeki tarihiedeniyetleri ve olayları öğrenebiliyorsunuz. ziyareti hak eden bir yer
05.08.2022 07:072018 yılında açılan ülkemizin en modern ve yerinde müzelerinden oldu Troya aynı yıl troya yılı da ilan edilmişti.
28.10.2022 07:41Dış görünüşüyle müze olduğunu anlamak zor. Troia antik kentinden çıktıktan sonra 600 mt ilerde sağda kalıyor. Mutlaka gidilip görülmesi gereken bir yer. Biz gezerken cok keyif aldık.