17th century Ottoman House Museum

17th century Ottoman House Museum

30.06.2024 06:43

17th century Ottoman House Museum located in Muradiye quarter of Bursa. It is very close to II.Murat complex. On the site of this historic house, which dates from the 17th century, was previously thought to have been a mansion belonging to II.Murat. The structure, which has three floors in total, is entered through the courtyard located in the western part.

This house, which is one of the most important cultural heritage of Bursa, is regarded as an example of civil architecture. In 1946, the Ministry of Education and the General Directorate of museums nationalized and restored this place. 12 years from that time, the exhibition arrangement is made. The opening of the museum coincides with the same year. Between 1973 and 1992, the museum underwent two major repairs. In both repairs, the objects are re-arranged.

The eastern part of the building, which sits on a stone foundation, is flat to the level of the first floor. On the same floor, zigzag-shaped bricks draw attention. At the same time, loophole-style windows and gypsum-clad hill windows are listed in this area. Each of the windows features a wooden wing. House is entered into via a staircase with a total of six steps. There is a room at the entrance, except for a sofa with a saddle. The same plan shape is also available on an upper floor. The floor parts of the house, whose ceiling is low, are also wood. It has a simple structure in terms of ornamentation on the general level. Despite this, the typical 17th century style of wood decoration finds its own place in certain sections.

The densest room in terms of ornamentation is the room located in the northern section. In this area, especially herbal compositions attract attention. The iwan sofa opens directly into the garden. In the ceiling, there are examples of pen work. In the museum, original handwork, wooden objects and porcelain materials belonging to that period are displayed.


17th century Ottoman House Museum17th century Ottoman House Museum17th century Ottoman House Museum17th century Ottoman House Museum



  • caliskanahmt
    07.03.2023 13:44

    Girişin ücretsiz olduğu, restore edilmiş bir Osmanlı evi


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