Hoşap Castle
13.07.2024 11:02
When the remains of Hosap Castle are examined, it is understood that this structure was first established by the Urartu people and was actively used until the middle of the 19th century. The castle, which opened to the public visit with its restoration in 1986, is named after the Hosap (Güzelsu) water flowing besides it.
The Hosap Castle is divided into two, the outer castle and the inner castle. The inner castle part of the structure mentioned in the writings of Matrakçı Nasuh and Evliya Çelebi, one of the great travellers and authors of the Ottoman Empire, is likened to an eagle's nest. Even after 400 years, Hosap Castle, which opened its doors to its visitors in all its glory, carries many traces from the past and present.
The must visit ingenious destination for van trips is Hoşap Castle. You should definitely visit this castle, which combines many cultural breezes from Mesopotamia and just below, the Kenan Region.
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