Ayanıs Castle
11.03.2024 21:29
Ayanıs castle is built by the most reformist King of the Kingdom of Urartu, Rusa II. After its construction is completed, the name Rusahinili-Eiduru-kai, which means 'the city of Rusa, opposite the Mount Suphan', is given. The castle, which was completed in 672 BC, is being resurfaced with a quarter of a century of excavations.
The castle, which also holds the title of being the most preserved and most magnificent structure of the Urartu Kingdom, also inspires researchers. Excavations are still continued to surface The Castle of Ayanıs today. In this excavation, the entrance gate of the castle, the monumental walls, its very large warehouse and many various locations are reached. However, the most important place is the Haldi Temple. This temple is also very important in terms of religion as well as the width that can encompass many groups of structures. The temple area, located right in the middle and highest area of the castle, is entered through a gate made of alabaster. The inscription at the entrance of this gate says that the temple was gifted to the God of Haldi by Rusa,the son of Argisti.
Like we said that the excavation stake of Ayanis Castle has been going on for a quarter of a century... Archaeologists working to surface the castle reach thousands of artifacts in this process. Hundreds of other works, including seals, shields, spears and hundreds more in Ayanıs Castle, where egyptian blue color is frequently used, are counting down the days to be exhibited in the museum after the inspections. Ayanıs Castle is an opportunity that those who want to witness history should not miss...

07.12.2022 06:46Bulunan çivi yazılı kitabesine göre, kale Argişti'nin oğlu Rusa tarafından M.Ö. 645-643 tarihleri arasında yaptırılmıştır.
12.04.2022 19:37Ayanis kalesi Kaleler şehri olarak bilinen Van ilimizin Urartular dan kalma görülmeye değer bir eserdir...
06.07.2022 11:35Pek ortada kale olduğu söylenemez yıkılmış kale kalıntıları var ayanis köyü içerisinden ulaşıyorsunuz köy yeşillikler içinde ve çok güzeldi.
31.08.2022 06:11Müthiş bir yer ,eski tarihi kalıntılardan sadece az bir kısmı görülebilir , tapınak mevcut ,a ama tepe oldukça güzel ,özellikle gün batımına yakın Süphan -göl ve gün batımını izlemek için güzel bir yer. Ama maalesef yerel yönetim kasıtlı olarak kalenin köy içindeki kısmını yapmıyor ,dolayısıyla yolu biraz kötü…