Shaykh Maksud (Sheikh Mesud) Tomb
11.01.2024 00:30
Sheikh Mesud Tomb is the oldest tomb in Şanlıurfa. This building, which was originally a madrasa, was built in the style of a Seljuk madrasah with four iwans and a closed structure. There is a masjid, çilehane and guesthouses in the building. It is known that there are 5 separate graves under the sarcophagus in the tomb. It is said that one of them belongs to Sheikh Mesud, the others to his sister and followers. There is a cistern about 100 meters from the tomb and there is an inscription in Arabic on the rock next to the cistern. The inscription reads: "This cistern was carved by Mas'ud, son of Said Hengel from Nishapur, on 10 Rajab 579 (m. 30 October 1183). Whoever calls Allah for help, may Allah help and have mercy on him and all Muslims."
Sheikh Mesud is also known as Şık Maksud among the people. It is accepted that this scholar was the student of Ahmet Yesevi, one of the spiritual leaders of Anatolia. Sheikh Mesud came to Şanlıurfa in the 1100s and spent many years there. There are rock-carved caves near the tomb of the saints, who are known to have contributed greatly to the Islamization of Anatolia. It is thought that Sheikh Mesud went into seclusion from time to time here. Today, the shrine is mostly visited by women for wishing or healing purposes.
Images: trthaber, evyalar.net

14.09.2022 11:42Manevi ortam ve tarihin iç içe oldugu bir ortam. Şanlıurfa'ya geldiginizde bu türbeye Gelmenizi görmenizi tavsiye ederim.
12.10.2022 07:34Şanlıurfadaki türbelerin en eski tarihlisi olan bu yapı, aslında dört eyvanlı kapalı Selçuklu medreseleri tarzında inşa edilmiş bir medrese yapısıdır. Doğudaki eyvanın alt kısmındaki odada Şeyh Mesut’un mezarı, eyvan içerisinde de sandukası bulunmaktadır.