Fırfırlı Mosque
03.06.2024 14:35
The Fırfırlı Mosque on Governor Fuat Bey Street, which is a busy sightseeing area in the center of Sanliurfa, is among the historical and spiritual structures of the city. The cheerful name of the building, which has been converted from church to mosque, also stands out.
According to the information transmitted at this point, there was a workshop near the site of a long time ago, and the sound of the instrument used to take out water from the well was called fırfır' by locals as the name of the building in question. In the process of converting from church to mosque in the 1950s, the official name Fırfırlı Mosque' was recorded as.
The date of construction as a church is not clear. However, it is thought that it may have been done in the early 1000s. The religious symbol brought from the Varak Monastery in Van in 1092 is known to have been used in the church. 12 Apostles Church, the building mentioned in the history books at some times of the year; flows of The United States and the UK, visitors. It is also attracting a lot of attention from local tourists.
Fine workmanship stands out in the historical structure made with cutting stone. It stands out with its spacious interior, original doors, lighting, decorations, half-columns, large courtyard, stone embellishments and towers. It's open to worship.

02.11.2022 08:23Kiliseden dönme bir camii Şanlıurfa için büyük bir değer.
12.10.2022 07:42Kiliseden Camii’ye dönüştürülmesiyle beraber bir cami hükmü almasına rağmen kilise çanının kulesi de sabit bırakılmış, dokunulmamış. Burada bulunan rüzgar pervanesinin de olması sebebiyle Fırfırlı cami denmiş. Yapı olarak harika, içerisi de çok güzel. Biraz ara sokaklarda kalıyor o nedenle gözden kaçma ihtimali yüksek.
02.12.2022 07:05Kesinlikle görülmesi gereken muhteşem bir yapı, cephesi, taş işçiliği, tasarımı, Urfa'da gördüğüm en güzel yapı.
12.08.2022 07:20Eskiden kilise olan camiye döndürülen yapılardan biridir.