11.06.2024 17:50
The city of Prophets, Balıklıgöl, the symbol of Sanliurfa, is depicted as the place where the fire of Abraham is turned into water. This mystical place with high historical and spiritual aspects is the most visited area of the city.
Şanlıurfa is one of the first cities established after the flood of Noah... Countless civilizations, cultures and religious beliefs fit in thousands of years of history. Over time, the city, which has embraced three heavenly religions, internalized all beliefs and opinions and created today's rich culture, is also referred to as the "City of Prophets" because of the prophets it has removed from its territory.
It's told that if you don't know, you' Defending the belief that the creator (Allah) is one and only, and breaking and tearing the idols apart in this cause, Abraham is sentenced to death by Nemrut, the ruler of the pagan tribe who lived in Sanliurfa at the time. Soon after, a huge-sized fire is lit on the place known as The Balıklı Göl today. Abraham, who was thrown into the fire, does not burn and turns into a rose garden, and the lake where the fire is located turns into the Fishy Lake, which preserves its coolness even today.
Balıklı Göl has carp fish in general. The people of the city certainly don't hunt these fish because they're sacred, and they don't eat their meat. The lake, which is the subject of countless legends and narratives, is one of the most beautiful lands of Anatolia, where thousands of tourists come to breathe mystical air every year.

01.08.2022 08:28Dini ve tarihi açıdan Urfa'nın en önemli noktalarından birisi. Göldeki balıkları beslemek için yem satın alabilirsiniz
02.12.2022 07:19Peygamberler Şehri Şanlıurfa
14.04.2022 04:35Manevi olarak çok etkilendigim ve huzur bulduğum bir yer oldu.İnsanin canı oralara hep tekrar gitmek istiyor.Ayn Zeliha gölünün bahcesinde mırra içmeyi unutmayin.Birde kırmızı balığı görmeyi
05.07.2022 09:54Peygamberler Şehri olan Şanlıurfa’nın önemli simgelerinden biri. Maneviyatı Çok yüksek umarım herkese gelmek görmek Nasip olur.