Round Streamlet
01.08.2024 00:30
Although Muğla is generally in the foreground with its warm seas and beaches, this place also hosts an interesting streamlet known as ‘Cold Paradise’. It really takes a lot of courage to enter Round Streamlet, which has a refreshing function during the hot summer months. It is therefore possible to hear the screams of those who enter the water.
One of the unique natural beauties of Mugla, the Round Streamlet, is located in Topgözü canyon between Köyceğiz and Ortaca. The streamlet is generally fed from the snow water from the mountain called Sandras. This is the most important reason why Round Streamlet is so cold. This natural beauty, which has started to grow in popularity recently, is almost an escape point for the local people. This place has almost a redeeming function with its coolness in summer.
Round Streamlet and its surroundings are more crowded on weekends. Many tourist restaurants are served here. There would also be a significant increase in the number of breakfast venues. Those who want to leave themselves in the icy waters of streamlet after a meal, often give up this desire after a short time. The average temperature of the water is 6 degrees. It is a more accurate orientation to jump at once than to take the stairs and enter the streamlet slowly. Although the temperature of the water is eerie, we recommend that you do not return without experiencing this pleasure. Special swings are installed in order to make the water jump more enjoyable. Even if you don't jump into the water, you can at least take pictures using these swings and make these beautiful moments fatal.
Round Streamlet is said to be the coldest streamlet in Turkey. Köyceğiz-Ortaca road can be used to reach Round Streamlet. It will be enough to take the Beyoba turn on this road. You can already witness that many signs are leading you on the way to streamlet.

Abdullah Yaşar
01.09.2021 07:21Muğla’nın yaz sıcağından kaçanların uğrak yerlerinden biridir Yuvarlakçay. Burada bir kaç tane işletme var. Ben yeşilvadi yi seçtim.Çayın üzerine kurulu,şark köşesini andıran bir çok oturma alanı var. Yeşillikler içinde akan çayın sesini dinleyip o serinliği hissetmek tarif edilemez.Ve tabi olmazsa olmazlar,çayın üzerine kurulu olan salıncaklar.Doğaya karşı serin serin sallanmak muhteşem bir duygu.Kesinlikle rotanıza ekleyin✅