Gizlikent Waterfall
06.02.2024 19:41
For those who want to take a pleasant break from the busy flow of life, Muğla, which lies on the Aegean Sea coast towards the south of Turkey, is one of the most attractive resorts. The Gizlikent waterfall in the Seydikemer district of the city is one of the most prominent exotic places in this context.
Each year, especially during the hot months, the Sakızlikent waterfall welcomes tourists intensely, just like its name, as if in a corner, reveals a hidden beauty. This waterfall, which welcomes its guests with the relaxing sound and effect of the water running from a high altitude, once again increases the admiration for nature. Gizlikent waterfall is also engraved in mind with its dizzying beauty, which appeals not only to the ear but also to the eye.
It is also possible to enter water at the waterfall. The enjoyment of time spent under pressure water flow has often been described as unique to anyone. It is worth reminding, however, that you should be careful not to fall. Besides these, the waterfall, which is extremely easy to reach, is approximately 45 minutes from Fethiye and 1.5 hours from Dalaman.
Photo enthusiasts at Gizlikent Falls, which is waiting to be explored to be the lead role in photos that will cheer up your social media, pose profusely, especially on the swing next to the waterfall.

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