Bodrum Castle
06.02.2024 22:07
Bodrum Castle is located on top of a large rocky area between the ports. The area where the castle is located is known as an island in antiquity. It then turns into a peninsula as the connection with the city is established. The castle built in the 15th century belongs to the Knights of Saint Jean. During the construction process of the castle, the pope gives ‘indulgence paper’ to expedite the staff here. It is believed that those who received this paper were entitled to go to heaven in those years.
The castle has a square plan and is notable for its measures of 180x185 metres. Inside the inner castle, there are some towers given different country names. The highest of these towers is the French Tower, approximately 47 meters above sea level. The names of the other towers in this section are: British Tower, German Tower, Italian tower and Serpent Tower.
With the exception of the eastern part of Bodrum Castle, the remaining sections are added later as double body walls. From here, the inner castle can be reached by crossing seven gates in total. Above the doors, there are individual crests and these are still very clearly visible today. On top of these coats of arms also some animal figures stand out. In the inner castle, there are 14 cisterns in total. Apart from II.Mahmut Tughra, the control tower and suspension bridge are among the other parts of the castle that are noteworthy.
The historic castle was used as a period prison. The presence of the bath at the same time in that period strengthens Ottoman belonging. Today, Bodrum Castle is considered as a Museum of Underwater Archaeology. Apart from the Turkish bath, sections such as the Eastern Roman Ship, Coin Hall, Torture and Slaughter Room and Glass Hall are among the most popular places in the collection.
The castle is built on a total of 33 acres of land. Bodrum Castle, which received special praise awards in many competitions, was also selected as ‘Museum of the Year’ in 1995.

29.06.2022 09:46Tam denizin kenarında eski tarihten kalma kalabalık bir yer ama bodruma gelince görülmesi gereken yerlerim başında.
21.09.2022 05:55Hem kaleyi hemde müzeyi bir arada gezmek istiyorsaniz iste aradığınız yer burasi. Kaleyi ve muzeyi gezmek isteyen yerli yabancı turistlerin fazlalığı nedeniyle girişte kuyruk oluşuyor. Müze karti olanlarin sirada beklemesine gerek yok. Sirada bekleyenler bilet almak isteyenler. Kaleye girdikten sonra başlangıç noktası belirleyip ordan sirayla gezmek en iyisi, karistirmaniz çok muhtemel çünkü 😼