Mardin of Houses
04.09.2024 01:43
Mardin houses, which create the feeling that time freezes with its architecture, are one of the most important examples of urban construction in Turkey.
Mardin is one of the oldest campuses in Turkey as of its thousands of years of history and location in northern Mesopotamia. Home to dozens of different civilizations and hundreds of different cultures, the architectural structure of this city has a property of history page that has moved from the past to the present. These houses, built on the southern skirts of the Mazı Mountains, seem to have stacked on each other at first glance, but in fact it has this effect due to its natural location.
Mardin houses were designed as if they were a stepping stone down from the castle on the hill. It is seen that there is no room for wood unless it is mandatory in the structures where yellow limestone is used, which is generally known for its easy penetrability.
Mardin houses, which amaze those who see it with their original architecture, actually show a closed zone character. One of the most beautiful examples of stone architecture, the houses consist of semi-open spaces, especially like the riwaq and iwan. Built in a way that can be overshadowed against the western sun, the houses retain all its beauty even today, both in its robustness and glory. Mardin houses, which take tourists to Mardin to the past in time with its narrow streets, high walls and Anatolian land-colored houses, are the main elements that trigger the city's cultural tourism.

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