Şerafeddin Mosque

Şerafeddin Mosque

05.06.2024 09:30

One of the rare works that has reached the present day since the 12th century is the Sherafeddin Mosque. The mosque, first built by Sheikh Sherafeddin, is open to worship even today. Sheikh Sherafeddin built a temple in the middle of the 12th century where today's Sherafeddin Mosque is. The mosque, which was almost succumbed to the intervening time, is repaired by Karamanoğlu II. Karamanoğlu II Ibrahim Bey staying true to the original in 1444. The structure, whose foundations and chassis are not resistent enough, becomes completely ruined by the mid-1600s. On top of this situation, In 1636, Mehmed Cavusoglu Memi Bey completely destroyed the ruined state of the mosque. He cleans the surrounding rubble and builds today's Sherafeddin Mosque in the same place. Based on 10 thick columns called elephant feet, the new mosque is a monument of grandeur with its chassis made of cut stone. The interior of the mosque is decorated with calligraphy and tile art, as well as the style known as pen work. These decorations, which have been self-held for hundreds of years, are considered a separate example of grandeur for explorers visiting the mosque. The Sherafeddin Mosque, where today's minaret was added during the remaining time, was restored at the beginning of the 20th century, sticking to the first time it was built. Today, the building, which is the point where the religious journeys of explorers who have come to explore Konya are absolutely visited, has been embracing its visitors for 384 years.


Şerafeddin Mosque Şerafeddin Mosque Şerafeddin Mosque




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