Aziziye Mosque
19.05.2024 15:02
Aziziye Mosque, known as 'Bezirganlar Inn Land' in the past; It was built in the mid-1800s and was one of the works of the architectural period of the Ottoman ampir.
A sanctuary was built with cut Gödene stone by Ottoman Sultan Mehmet IV in 1671-1676 . Among the examples of classical ottoman architecture, this structure remains open for many years and serves the Muslim people. The mosque, which was built as Fevkani (raised on top of the shops), this is why it is named as the 'High Mosque' popularly.
When the history pages show 1872 the site of the High Mosque, which was destroyed by a large fire in 1867, the Ottoman Sultan of the period, Abdülaziz and his mother Pertevniyal Valide Sultan built a new mosque.
When the architectural features of the work are examined, it is seen that the ampir style is one of the most important examples of the architectural period. Aziziye Mosque, which is made of all-cut stone, like the High Mosque, does not have a courtyard. The fountain built adjacent to the minaret stands create a more holistic atmosphere than other mosques. This feature of the mosque, which has five entrances on both side walls, is the only example of Turkish architecture.
Aziziye Mosque, which makes mystical feelings both in terms of its majesty and story, also draws attention from an architectural point of view in Mevlana's hometown.

28.08.2022 07:31Akşam gezintisi severler için harika bir görüntüsü var. Ayrıca harika fotograf kareleri çıkıyor. :)