Ümran Baradan Game and Toy Museum
15.07.2024 13:55
Green soldiers, who are struck with a triumphant manner in small hands, tiny animal figures executed on pillows, mind games with stones driven back and forth, while numerous examples of toys, are also guests in the museums even if there are small number of them put.
The first toy is recorded to date back to the 2500's, that is, 4500 years ago. There are very few things that are so old in origin.
The toy is also a cultural icon, children's dream world, entertainment on its journey to youth. This fun world with its wide coverage is on display at the Ümran Baradan Museum of Games and Toys in Izmir, accompanied by numerous examples.
The foundation of the museum compiled by ceramic artist Ümran Baradan collecting toys from many countries around the world. Within the scope of the museum, where toys dating back to the 1800s can be seen, there are display areas on the ground floor and the first floor is the scene of more events.
The collection is waiting to be discovered. What's not there? Doll houses, plushies, porcelain dolls with real hair, famous heroes of cartoons, fairy tale heroes and more.
In addition to antique toys, figures of different concepts are exhibited.
Events at the museum are usually organized according to age groups. The program and detailed information can be examined by the museum website.
The museum entries being closed both Sunday and Monday can be done between 09.00-17.00 hours throughout weekdays.

10.10.2022 06:43Cook keyifli çook eğlenceli bir yer.Çocuklar kadar yetişkinlerin de iyi vakit geçirmeleri mümkün.Özellikle içerisinde Hacivat-Karagöz gösterisinin bulunması da ayrı bir keyif..
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