Surp Pirgic Armenian Catholic Church
03.12.2024 11:09
It is located in Karaköy borough in Beyoğlu district of Istanbul. It is mentioned in the records that it was built in 1832-1834 following Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II's edict. The church, which is still active, is among the historical buildings that have preserved its magnificent structure until today.
The church's round-arched and marble jambedded door is connected to the Courtyard by a passage in the middle of the structure. The small bell tower of the building is located on the eaves on the facade facing the Kemeraltı. The church, consisting of two floors, gives the impression of a temple with its western facade. One of the five altars in the church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and the depiction in the space surrounded by thin columns attracts attention.
It is the first Armenian Patriarchal Church in the region. It is also famous for its commemorative inscriptions on its walls. In Istanbul, which has been home to many different religions and cultures for centuries, Surp Pirgiç Church, one of the many magnificent buildings both in terms of architecture and the values it represents, is among the historical buildings worth seeing with its sequined entrance and interior colonnaded arrangements.

11.11.2022 07:21Tarihi yapısı itibariyle etkileyici. Mimarisi ve yeşilliği ile de güzel bir hastane. Huzurevi için çok güzel yeşillikli süs havuzlu bir bahçesi var.
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26.12.2024 10:52merhaba kilisenin ziyaret saatleri ve çekim izni hakkında bilgi verebilir misiniz