Surp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Church
11.04.2024 03:33
One of the historical buildings in Istanbul that defies time is undoubtedly the Armenian Church of Surp Asdvadzadzin. The date when the first nail of the church was driven dates back to the 17th century and it can be visited in Ortaköy, in the south of the 15 July Martyrs Bridge on the European side of the city. Why we have mentioned about nails? Because it was first made as a wooden church…
It was built as a small chapel by the Ottomans belonging to the Armenian religion, who emigrated from Erzincan and settled around Ortaköy. This structure, which is also called’ Surp Giragos', was expanded and rebuilt about 60 years later in 1725. According to the records Archbishop Garabed Ulnetzi was present during the opening of the church which was named Surp Asdvadzadzin.
Wooden churches are not fire-resistant. For this reason, the destruction of a large number of historical artifacts is witnessed on the territory of the Ottoman Empire. Surp Asdvadzadzin was rebuilt with durable stones in 1825 and opened for worship. This time it has been thoroughly overhauled, and it also attracts attention with its bell tower, flamboyant chandelier, and motifs on its ceiling at the present.
The structure, which has been significantly damaged after nearly a century, was reopened in 2012 after its extensive restoration and is now open to both visitors and worship.

01.03.2023 13:43Ermeni Kilisesi olan bu yer mutlaka imkanı olan herkesin gezmesi gereken bir yer.
01.12.2022 07:21Çok güzel bir Ermeni Kilisesi. Balyan ailesi tarafından inşa edilmiş. Sadece camilerin kubbeli olmasına izin verildiği için içten gizli kubbe yapılmış.