Sümbül Efendi Mosque and Lodge

Sümbül Efendi Mosque and Lodge

03.01.2024 18:38

Sümbül Efendi Mosque and Lodge are located in Fatih, one of the districts of Istanbul with a rich cultural mosaic with deep-rooted ties to ancient history. The complex structure, which also forms the center of the Koca Mustafa Paşa complex, attracts attention with its spiritual atmosphere.

Sümbül Efendi Mosque and Lodge are based on the conversion of a Byzantine structure built in the 6th century into a mosque while approaching the end of the 15th-century. It has survived in very good condition.

In Sümbül Efendi Mosque and Lodge, where the graves of Pir Yusuf Sümbül Sinanüddin Efendi where a hundred-year-old tree rises next to and many important people can also be visited, the mystical texture stands out in general.

Sümbül Efendi Mosque is a building made of cut stone with a dome, one balcony and one minaret. Its interior, which is not very spacious, is simple. A wooden rostrum, a marble mihrab, a small number of decorations on the walls, and balanced lighting elements stand out.


Sümbül Efendi Mosque and LodgeSümbül Efendi Mosque and LodgeSümbül Efendi Mosque and LodgeSümbül Efendi Mosque and Lodge



  • muratball
    17.11.2022 07:08

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