Soğanlı Fountain
20.04.2024 22:56
For those who trace the identity of fountains all over Istanbul, the Soğanlı Fountain is one of the interesting examples of them located on the European side. Its location is a very old area. Because the date of its construction dates back to the last Roman Emperor Nero.
The emperor, whose real name was Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, has this fountain built to quench the thirst of his soldiers advancing through vast Roman lands as they pass through Istanbul. Although the date of construction is not clear, it is estimated to be the second half of the 1st century BC. Turkish domination, which began in the following centuries, also brings the transformation of the fountains into the Ottoman architectural tradition.
The source of water that countless people stand in front of and drink, which has been used for the needs of local people for centuries, no longer exists. But the Soğanlı Fountain, which has also seen restoration many times, continues to greet its visitors in homage to history as a visual value. It is located in Bahçelievler district of Istanbul, within the borders of Cumhuriyet Quarter.
29.11.2023 07:25Hariiiika bir yermiş yaz tatilinde gidilir