Osman Ağa Mosque
26.03.2024 02:41
Osman Ağa Mosque is located in Kadıköy, one of the districts of the Anatolian Side of Istanbul, within the borders of the Osmanağa District called by its name. It is located between the district's famous Bull Statue and Kadıköy Pier.
It is among the oldest mosques in the region. It was built as wooden in 1612 by Osman Ağa of Babüssaade Ağa, who had an important role in the imperial palace. It shares the same fate as many wooden mosques in the city and it was destroyed in a huge fire in the 19th century. Afterwards, it was rebuilt this time in masonry structure, i.e. fire resistant brick and concrete materials.
The mosque welcomes its visitors with the grand plane tree, which is over 200 years old, in its courtyard after entering through the magnificent entrance door and its interior is spacious. Details with wood and ceramics attract attention. Kütahya tiles are of extremely high quality. The pulpit, which is the high place where sermons are read, and the pulpit desk are made of wood. Some of the windows are rectangular and the other is pointed arched. Its ceiling is flat.
Mosque narthex with a rectangular plan, which also has a library, and the section added to the prayer of women next to it were included later.

17.11.2022 07:50Mısırlı Osman Ağa tarafından 1611'de yaptırılmış.