Tomb of Mehmet the Conqueror
08.07.2024 23:04
As it is acknowledged, Mehmet the Conqueror is one of the leaders that changed the fate of Istanbul. Mehmet the Conqueror, also known as Mehmet II, is the seventh sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Mehmet the Conqueror, who was born in 432, ruled between 1451 and 1481. His conquest of Istanbul at a young age still makes him be remembered with admiration, although about 600 years passed.
After he died, this situation was kept as a secret for a while. Once it is heard among people, an intense chaos began in Istanbul. In particular, attacks were started against the houses and shops of Non-muslims. The body of Mehmet the Conqueror was kept in a room in the palace, while people clashed to enthrone their candidates.
Tomb of Mehmet the Conqueror is located in the courtyard of Fatih Mosque. Although the historical tomb is seriously damaged as a result of an earthquake in the middle of the 18th century, it is repaired in a short time. According to some opinions, the location of the tomb was changed during this repair. Towards the end of the same century, the tomb was adversely affected by the Cibali fire this time. The sarcophagus renewed at that time was covered with a large Kaaba cover. Likewise, a repair inscription was placed on the renovated door. Repair work related to the tomb, which is highly important, was lastly carried out in 1918 and 1953. In the repairs made during the Abdulaziz period, more decorations were renewed.
Tomb of Mehmet the Conqueror has an impressive eight-cornered plan. It is covered only by one dome. A porch with the eaves above the door at the entrance of the tomb draws attention. It is seen that this porch has two separate columns. The tomb consists of a single sarcophagus belonging to Mehmet the Conqueror. Although Mehmet the Conqueror was a great leader, his tomb is considered to be modest.

09.11.2022 07:26İstanbul’u fetheden komutan olan Fatih Sultan Mehmet’in kabri burada, kendi adını taşıyan camiinin bahçesindeki türbede bulunur.
18.01.2023 08:18Fatih Camii ve Külliyesi, İstanbul'un Fatih ilçesinde II. Mehmed tarafından yaptırılmış olan cami ve külliyedir.