Atik Eski Valide Complex
17.02.2024 17:17
Atik Eski Valide Complex, which is officially called “Eski Valide Mosque and Complex” according to the records of Muftiate, but called Atik Valide Mosque today, is located within the borders of Üsküdar district of Istanbul. The construction date of this historical building ordered by Afife Nur Banu Valide Sultan, the mother of Murat III and wife of Selim II, to Sinan the Architect to build dates back to 1583.
The most popular part of the complex, of which basic structures are mosque and complex, are undoubtedly the most precious examples of Iznik tiles. The most interesting detail in Atik Eski Valide Complex, which consists of a hospital, madrassa, bath, caravanserai, primary school, dervish lodge, madrasa, mosque and complex, is that the mosque dome stands on six supports.
The magnificent Iznik tiles of Atik Eski Valide Complex, which has fifth half dome in the mihrab with protrusion, are definitely worth seeing. Atik Eski Valide Complex built by Sinan the Architect at the age of 94, is the last work of the artist known all over the world. Atik Eski Valide Complex, which is one of the biggest complexes of Istanbul in terms of its dimensions, may look a little extraordinary in shape as it is built at different levels on the land where it was built.
A house for readers of the Koran (darül-kurra) and a college of Islamic law (darül-hadis) buildings allocated to Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts had served as a prison under the name of Toptaşı Prison until the 1970s. In addition to all these, it is possible to easily reach Atik Eski Valide Complex, which was used for different purposes such as prison, old Turkish hospital, barracks and madrasah, from central points such as Üsküdar Pier and Üsküdar Square.
