Cobancesme Bridge

Cobancesme Bridge

18.03.2024 20:37

Would you believe if we say that a bridge from the Eastern Roman Empire in today's Bahçelievleri has reached the present day? Under the bridge, which has a very central location on the London Asphalt, is the Ayamama Stream, the stream with plenty of water has stopped its activities today. Consisting of six arches, the bridge continues to serve users with a length of 38 meters. It is not known when the bridge, in which chipped stone was used, started its activities. The bridge, whose edges are opened as a stream below greenery, has witnessed many moments in history. The bridge, whose full address is known as the Yenibosna center, is located on the Atatürk Airport road.

Since the view of the bridge is built on greenery and has a central location, it stands at a point where people can easily reach. Who knows what the stones of the Çobançeşme Bridge, which has successfully survived to the present day, come to mind. Standing with the help of chipped stones, the bridge continues to serve from the past to the present. The sound of the water heard when the stream below it was active allowed visitors to rest and find peace. Çobançeşme Bridge hosts a Çoban Fountain rather than Ayamama Creek. The fountain with the same name is located right next to the bridge. The Çobançeşme Bridge, which has come to this day from the Eastern Roman period, has left so many traces in its history that it is obvious that you will be under the influence of this magic as soon as you see it.

Leaving all these behind, the historical building was built by whom, when and on what date there is no exact information. It would not be wrong to say that the only data we have is a deep past chart that extends against the Roman Empire. Since Bahçelievler is a district where Istanbul is considered active in terms of transportation; It is possible to say that with the metro, metrobus, bus and minibuses passing through countless routes, it is possible to say that the arrival and departure to the region is provided quite comfortably.


Cobancesme BridgeCobancesme BridgeCobancesme BridgeCobancesme Bridge




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