Big Selimiye Mosque
13.05.2024 15:16
Big Selimiye Mosque commissioned by Selim III. the Ottoman Sultan is located within the borders of Üsküdar district in İstanbul. This gigantic mosque, inspired by typical baroque and Ottoman architectural styles, is known as one of the most visited buildings in Üsküdar. The most accurate information about the Big Selimiye Mosque, considered to be built between 1789– 1807 according to one view and taught to be built between 1801- 1805 based on other perspectives, is that it was built during the reign of Selim III.
The Big Selimiye Mosque, the architect of which is not known accurately, is located very close to the Selimiye Barracks, the construction of which was completed in April 1805. The muvakkithane (room that is usually located next to big mosques and that sets the time), fountain and public fountain were added during the construction of the Big Selimiye Mosque and the silky fabric known as selimi made in the workshop of baldachin, silky, velvet and fabric to provide income to the mosque also won recognition. Unfortunately, the section where the weaving looms were located was destroyed in the earthquake of 1894 and is still used as a playground today. The primary school built at that time in addition to the Turkish bath close to the mosque currently serves as a children's library.
The Big Selimiye Mosque, also influenced by the New Order period, where traditional and western perceptions were blended, underwent major repairs twice, in 1950s and 2004. The Big Selimiye Mosque with a square plan in general terms, differentiates itself mostly through its baroque style. The dome of the Big Selimiye Mosque, in which the square-planned harim center is covered with a single dome and has a series of five windows, is 1460 meters in diameter and supported by four small domes. The red-green pulpit and mihrab of the Big Selimiye Mosque, which makes a strong impression with its wood and marble workmanship, are definitely worth seeing.

18.01.2023 08:02200 yıllık bir yapı olmasıyla selatin camilerinden nispeten genç bir cami. Avlusuna girdikten sonra huzur buluyorsunuz.
04.07.2022 06:53Şair ve sanatlar ve ince bir estetik ruha sahip 3. Selim’in yaptırıdığı muhteşem görünüme sahip bir cami.