Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha Monument
01.09.2024 00:18
Barbaros Monument or Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha Monument, which was built in 1944 in memory of Admiral Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha, one of the most important names of the Ottoman Empire period, has a central location in the district of Beşiktaş in Istanbul. Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha Monument, which is a monument made of bronze, is also among the largest monuments of the Republic period.
Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha Monument, in front of which Maritime Festival and Turkish Naval Forces Day is held with a ceremony every year, has become the symbol of Beşiktaş. Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha Monument, located at the back of Barbaros Tomb on Cezayir Street, was built in the name of Barbaros Pasha, who is well-known all over the world.
Although the arrangement plan of the square was made by urban planning expert Henri Prost, the design of the monument took place between 1941 and 1943 and the monument was erected in its present location in 1944. The statue was made by Ali Hadi Bara and Zühtü Müridoğlu, while its bronze engravings were made by Ali Haydar Seymen and Yusuf Akpınar. The monument, which is 11.50 meter long in all, weighs 6 tons and 900 kilos in total.
Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha Monument, which consists of three parts as a column, a statue and a base and impresses its ten meter high base, has reliefs on both sides. In one of these reliefs, Battle of Preveza was illustrated and the presentation of Barbaros to Süleyman I was illustrated in the other. There is also a two and a half meter platform symbolizing the deck and the bow of the ship on the front of the base. In addition to the base with three bronze figures, there are also lines taken from Yahya Kemal Beyatlı’s poem “Süleymaniye’de Bir Bayram Sabahı” (A Feast Morning in Süleymaniye).
