Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church

Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church

21.01.2024 21:25

Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church dating from 1694 is located on Mühürdar Street in Osmanağa quarter of Kadıköy district that is one of the most populous districts of the Anatolian side of Istanbul. Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church in a structure with a closed Greek cross plan was expanded by Kadıköy Metropolitan Zaharias II in 1830.

Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church, which has been repaired several times due to being dilapidated over time, was put into service with the ceremony held on 1 April 1993 as a result of the last restoration. 19th century tomb steles of Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church, which is surrounded by high walls and has a large courtyard, are definitely worth seeing.

The transition to the dome from Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church having a large dome with a pulley in the middle is provided by pendants. If you look at the eastern wall of the church with Ayia Paraskevi Holy Spring on the east, you will see a monumental icon dating to 1879. The stone bell tower of Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church, of which western part is completely covered with glass, is also located at the southwest end of the church. The church, which almost challenges the past with its 300-year-old history, is renovated by Istanbul 5th Cultural Heritage Preservation Board.

Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church, which has become an indispensable part of historical Kadıköy Bazaar and integrated with the region, still serves as being open for worship and visits today. Ayia Efimia Orthodox Church having a central location in the small square of Kadıköy Bazaar has been dedicated to Saint Eufemia being a native of Kadıköy. 


Ayia Efimia Orthodox ChurchAyia Efimia Orthodox ChurchAyia Efimia Orthodox Church



  • buseats2
    11.11.2022 07:19

    Osmanağa’da Mühürdar Caddesi’nde bulunan Ayia Efimia Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi, 1694 yılında inşa edilmiştir.


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