Arap Mosque
03.03.2024 16:13
Located in the Galata district within the borders of Beyoğlu, one of the most central districts of Istanbul, Arap Mosque has been known throughout history with names such as "Saint Domenico Church" and "Saint Paolo Church." The church, which was converted into a mosque after Istanbul came under the Ottoman Empire's domination in 1453, is the only gothic church of Istanbul that has survived to the present day before the conquest.
According to the legend, Arap Mosque, known as the place where the first call to prayer in Istanbul is heard, is admired by those interested in architecture with its black pointed cone tower. Arap Mosque, located on the left side of the street extending from Şişhane to Karaköy, is the first mosque in Istanbul, above all.
The Arab Mosque was built hidden among the hardware stores in Karaköy Perşembe Pazarı during the period when the Umayyad armies stayed in Galata for seven years to besiege Istanbul, remained as a mosque until 800. But later, it was converted into a church by the Genoese who settled in this area. Arap Mosque, to which the bell tower was added, was thoroughly restored between 1913 and 1919.
The wall of the courtyard of Arap Mosque, to which items such as a fountain, sultan's hall, and fountain were added later, was demolished, and the mosque was enlarged. The altar cell, which was built as "Mesleme's Çilehane" is definitely worth seeing. Arap Mosque, a long rectangular structure, has become a symbol of the Galata region and the whole Istanbul. Although this historical building, in which the square-shaped high tower is immediately noticed, is Islamized, it can also evoke a different style with its gothic details.

11.01.2023 13:29Fetihten sonra, fethedilen şehirlerde en büyük kilisenin camiye çevrilmesi usulüne uyularak bu kilise de bizzat Fâtih Sultan Mehmed vakfı olarak 1475’e doğru camiye çevrilmiştir.
02.03.2023 11:28Tarihi ahşap dokusuyla ziyaret edenlere eşsiz bir deneyim yaşatıyor.