All Saints Church
04.03.2024 03:23
All Saints Moda Church, also known as Istanbul Presbyterian Church, is located within the boundaries of Moda district of Kadıköy, one of the most crowded and central districts of Istanbul Anatolian Side. The construction of All Saints Church, which stands out as ‘the church where the Turkish World Kalkedon Presbyterian community continues its existence’, dates back to 1878.
All Saints Church, which has a perfect location right across the Whittall Mansion also known as the 'Barış Manço House', was built under the guidance of British Merchant Sir James William Whittal, who lived in Moda in those years and it is still owned by the family since it was built on the land owned by the Whittal family.
Another structure built in Istanbul by G. E. Street, the architect of All Saints Church, which is under the supervision of the European Episcopal Istanbul Anglican Church, is the Crimean Church in Beyoğlu. The most striking detail of the church, which is surrounded by low walls and iron fingers, is its tower with a conical roof and its eye-catching stained glass.
All Saints Church, which is still open to worship today, serves as a place of worship where Christian Turkish citizens living in this area frequently come to fulfill their religious duties.
All Saints Church, where the stained glasses reflecting the Gothic style attract incredible attention, has a double sloping roof system on the outside with a small size. The pastor of the church, where worship is held in English and Turkish, is Rev. Dr. Turgay Üçal.

21.08.2023 18:21Beyza ve Ömer saint antonio kilisesine girer, ardından Beyza heykellerin hepsinin birbirine benzediğini söyler ve sebebinin insanların yaratıcı olmadığını belirtir. 😜