Ahmet Çelebi Mosque
18.03.2024 22:16
Ahmet Çelebi Mosque, located within the borders of Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Neighborhood in Üsküdar district of Istanbul, is one of the most important mosques that have survived from the Ottoman period. The construction of the mosque got built by Ahmet Çelebi, one of the most well-known philanthropists of that period, dates back to 1566. Ahmet Çelebi Mosque, which was completed in a year and put into service in 1567, reflects the classical Ottoman architectural style in the best way.
Ahmet Çelebi Mosque was restored in 1771 as a result of the damages and rebuilt in 1796 due to the fire. Although it has an uniquely planned structure, it is situated among the buildings which was the most important reason why the area it is located in was called Ahmet Çelebi District. Ahmet Çelebi Mosque, which is very close to Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Mosque, which is one of the other cultural heritages, is among the most important values that should be visited and seen on the Anatolian Side of Istanbul.
The mosque constructed by Ahmet Çelebi, is located at the intersection of Hüdayi Mahmut Street and Açık Türbe Street. The absence of an inscription has brought many questions with it. However, according to the information in Hadika: "The constructor is a philanthropist named Ahmet Çelebi and is buried in front of the altar’’ The following is written on the tombtone is: " God is only immortal and eternal. Mosque is constructed with the purpose of charity by decedent haji Ahmet Çelebi. Requiem for him, year 1567".
The Ahmet Çelebi Mosque, whose architecturally remarkable wooden minaret is definitely worth seeing, was rebuilt in 1767 and 1797. It is positioned in a courtyard separated by a perimeter wall. The mosque, wallls of which are made of stone has roof and minaret made of completely wooden and has a single minaret balcony.

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