Abdurrahman Pasha Tomb

Abdurrahman Pasha Tomb

16.09.2024 16:59

The tomb which is also known as 'Abdurrahman and Hasan Ağalar Tomb' is located at the intersection of Boyacı Street and Camii Kebir Street in Eyüp.

Eyüp Police Headquarters is located next to Abdurrahman Pasha Tomb and Ferhad Pasha Tomb is situated right in front of it. The inscription written on the Abdurrahman Pasha Tomb draws great attention. Some of this 14-line inscription, which is prepared in seven lines, is as follows:

‘’Upon God’s Order, One Must Fulfill

One Who Obeys God’s Order, Finds Dignity

True Man of Trust and Courage Arrives to God’s Kingdom,

Given Up on the Ephemeral World and Attained God’s Mercy and Grace.’’

Abdurrahman Pasha Tomb, which gotten built by Şekerpare Kadın for herself who was one of the harem women during the reign of Sultan İbrahim (1615-1648), was sold to Hasan Ağa one of the treasury (hassa) aghas and to Abdurrahman Ağa one of the Babüssade (Door) aghas, after Şekerpare Kadın fell into disfavor. Therefore, the two cists in the today's tomb belong to these two aghas.

The body of Abdurrahman Ağa, who died in 1653 and held important positions such as the Governorship of Egypt and the Bosphorus Guard until then, was buried in this tomb. Naturalist style motifs were used in the architecture of the Abdurrahman Pasha Tomb, which is decorated with malakari engravings, also known as plaster reliefs.

Although the inscription in the tomb is the work of Cevri, which dates back to 1648, a porch was built in a simpler style by removing the portico in 1952. The Abdurrahman Pasha Tomb, whose last restoration took place in 1995, is located within the borders of Eyüp district of Istanbul.

This structure, also known as the "Şekerpare Women's Tomb" colloquially, is among the best examples of classical Ottoman architecture. The tomb, which is an octagonal planned domed structure, was built of limestone. Illuminated by windows surrounded by rectangular moldings, Abdurrahman Pasha Tomb also served as a carpentry workshop for a period.  


Abdurrahman Pasha TombAbdurrahman Pasha TombAbdurrahman Pasha Tomb



  • muratball
    17.11.2022 07:50

    Abdurrahman ve Hasan Ağalar Türbesi de denir. Camii Kebir Caddesi ile Boyacı Sokağının birleştiği yerde ve caddenin sağ köşesindedir…


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