Museum of Medical and Aromatic Plants
18.04.2024 05:05
The Museum of Medical and Aromatic Plants in Hatay, which is located in an important geography with its natural beauties as well as its historical beauty, has being first value for our country.
10 percent of endemic plants grown in our country grow in Hatay. No wonder such a museum has been opened in the city with such a natural treasure. Hatay, home to Turkey's first Museum of Medical and Aromatic Plants, has 300 endemic and 550 plant species are medicinal and aromatic plants of the nearly 2,000.
Today, the building, which is home to this magnificent museum, was opened to visitors as a result of the restoration in 2012. The museum, which is located inside an old Antioch house with a two-storey structure built in the 19th century, exhibits 280 plant varieties. Within 884 square meters, there is four closed and one open exhibition area. The plants, which are exhibited in glass jars and hand knitted baskets, have their final ready-to-use on display, as well as the large size photographs explaining their benefits. In extract rooms, it is possible to experience how and what for the oils of plants are used.

22.09.2022 06:25Çok değerli bir hizmet ve yatırım. Şehre değer katan yapılardandır müzeler ve Antakya'daki bu temalı müze hem yeri hem de içeriği ile harika. bölgede yetişen 2500 kadar bitkinin neredeyse 500 ü canlı ve fotoğraflarla incelenebiliyor.