The Tomb of Bayezid-i Bistami
02.10.2024 11:04
The Bayezid-i Bistami Hazretleri Mausoleum, located near the village of Alaybeyli in the Kırıkhan district of Hatay, has great religious and historical importance. This mausoleum is attributed to Bayezid-i Bistami, one of the important Sufis of the Islamic world, and is one of the notable stops of domestic tourism. The area where the mausoleum is located is also surrounded by historical artifacts such as aqueducts and castle ruins from the Hellenistic period.
Who is Beyazıt-i Bestami?
Bayezid-i Bestami, whose real name was Tayfur bin İsa, was born in the city of Bistam near Khorasan in the 9th century. Bayezid-i Bistami is considered one of the leading figures of Islamic thought and Sufism. Known for his piety and mystical life, this Sufi stayed away from the material pleasures of the world throughout his life and is said to have devoted himself entirely to Allah. He expressed the spiritual level he reached on the path of Sufism as “I gathered the world, tied it with the rope of contentment, then put it in the jar of loyalty, threw it into the sea of despair, and after that I found comfort.”
Where Was Bayezid Bistami Raised?
Bayezid-i Bistami was born in the city of Bistam, which is within the borders of today’s Iran, and he grew up there. He became interested in Islamic sciences and Sufism at a young age, and delved into the depths of Sufism. Bistami, who attracted attention with both his scientific and spiritual aspects during his lifetime, quickly gained an important place in the world of Sufism.
Where is Bayezid-i Bistami’s Grave?
There are two different narrations regarding Bayezid-i Bistami’s grave. According to some sources, Bayezid-i Bistami was buried in Kırıkhan, where he spent most of his time after his death in 848. However, according to another narration, he was buried in Bistam. His tomb in Hatay is one of the places that attracts great interest from visitors. It is also known that there is a tomb belonging to Bayezid-i Bistami in Bistami.
Architectural Features of Bayezid-i Bistami Tomb
Bayezid-i Bistami Tomb was restored in 2012-2013. The tomb is located inside a mosque and is a rectangular and vaulted structure. There are two tombs at the entrance of the tomb; one of them belongs to Bayezid-i Bistami's shepherd and the other to Mustafa Şevki Pasha. Bayezid-i Bistami's tomb is located alone in the other room. Mustafa Şevki Pasha's relatives are buried in the tombs around the tomb.
The tomb's architecture presents a simple and classical example of Islamic tomb architecture. The structure was built in accordance with the architectural understanding of the period and is preserved today after being restored. The castle ruins and aqueducts from the Hellenistic period in its surroundings also indicate the historical richness of the region.
Was Beyazit Bestami Tomb Affected by the Earthquake?
The earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş in 2023 caused great damage in Hatay and its surroundings. However, Bayezid-i Bistami Tomb was not affected by these earthquakes. The restored structure of the tomb was built to withstand earthquakes and has survived without any damage. Visitors can continue to visit the tomb safely.
How to Get to Bayezid-i Bistami Tomb?
Bayezid-i Bistami Tomb is located on a hill near Alaybeyli village, 4 kilometers from Kırıkhan district of Hatay. To reach the tomb, you need to go from Kırıkhan to Alaybeyli village. At the end of the road, there is a walking path leading to the tomb area. This region, which attracts attention with its historical and spiritual atmosphere, offers an unforgettable experience to its visitors.
Bayezid-i Bistami Hazretleri Mausoleum is one of the important religious and historical heritages of Hatay. This mausoleum is a must-visit for visitors who want to keep the memory of Bayezid-i Bistami, who has an important place in the world of Sufism, alive and also see traces of the Hellenistic period. The restored mausoleum continues to welcome visitors today and keeps the memory of one of the important Sufis of the Islamic world alive.

03.11.2022 11:10Türbeyi ve çevresini çok güzel yapmışlar asansör bile var, Beyazıd-i Bestami hazretlerinin kabri bulunan bu yerde Huzurlu ortama hakim. Mutlaka ziyaret ediniz.