Tilmen Höyük
31.01.2024 06:33
Located within the Islahiye district of Gaziantep, Tilmen Höyük reflects the historical heritage of the city to a significant extent. When you go towards Yasemek in the district, you will see Tilmen Höyük at the 10th kilometer. Tilmen is known as a Hittite city. Excavations have been taking place in this area regularly since 2003. This important area is covered by the archaeopark. The mound significantly reflects the interactions between Mesopotamian and Syrian cultures. The research carried out here shows the fact that life in the region dates back 6 thousand years. Tilmen, which is shown as one of the most imposing Hittite cities after Hattusa, has Round Towers. Giant walls formed with large stones reflect the power of the city. Smooth cut stones are used in the fortification walls. The main entrance to the city is in the eastern section. Despite this, two more wickets are found in the south and northwest.
The first works related to Tilmen Höyük, which is located at the bottom of Karasu Creek, took place in 1958. Prof. Bahadır Alkim's work is particularly influential. These works continue regularly until 1972. The main intensive excavations take place after the 90s. During these periods, a wide variety of monumental structures were unearthed. Likewise, artifacts from the early Bronze Age are regarded as quite exciting for archaeologists.
The main mound in Tilmen is 15 meters. This place is also surrounded by a lower town. The boundary of the lower city extends to the river. The highest of the mounds in the city is around 21 meters. The city of Tilmen consists mainly of the inner and outer castle. These two fortifications strongly protect the city. As a result of the excavations, many tools, jewelry, seals or ornaments were removed. A significant portion of these are transferred to the Gaziantep Museum Directorate.

04.11.2022 08:49Gidene kadar yol kenarındaki küçük dere size eşlik ediyor. Derenin sağında solunda yer yer sazlar var. Suyun akışı çok güzel.