Nuri Mehmet Pasha Mosque

Nuri Mehmet Pasha Mosque

18.02.2024 16:14

Nuri Mehmet Pasha Mosque stands at an important place among the historical mosques of Gaziantep. The mosque, located on the suburban street, was built by Nuri Mehmet Pasha himself. This information is transferred through the court records of ecclesiastical. There are two separate inscriptions in both the minaret and the mihrab section of the mosque. The information contained in the inscriptions confirms the information about when and by whom the mosque was built. The second inscription belongs to the year 1834. It is presumed that this was written as a repair inscription. Nuri Mehmet Pasha Mosque, which reflects the Ottoman architectural style, has been repaired many times over time. This causes the mosque to lose a modicum of authenticity. The mosque suffered serious damage, especially due to the French occupation. After the defence of Antep, this mosque was used as a military depot for some time. By the 1960s, the mosque had been converted into a museum. The Ministry of Education plays an active role in this process. This condition continues for about 10 years. By 1968, it was finally undergoing a major renovation and restored to its mosque form. Just as in the past, it begins to serve as a mosque again. In the eastern part of the courtyard, there is the Tomb of Nuri Mehmet Pasha. The last renovation of the mosque takes place in 2007. A year later, the mosque opens for worship. The Nuri Mehmet Pasha mosque is still open for worship today. Smooth cut stones are used in the construction process of the historic mosque, which is also located close to the pit quarter. The fact that these stones are in black and white color adds a nice air to the mosque from an aesthetic point of view. Today it is a mosque that is often preferred not only for worship but also for tourist visits.


Nuri Mehmet Pasha MosqueNuri Mehmet Pasha MosqueNuri Mehmet Pasha MosqueNuri Mehmet Pasha Mosque



  • rumeysacakmakk
    08.08.2022 08:05

    Öğrendiğime göre Nuri Mehmet Paşa tarafından 1786 yılından kısa bir süre önce yaptırılmış caminin minaresinde 1785 1834 yılına ait iki yazıtta bulunmakta.


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