July 15 Democracy Museum
04.04.2024 00:07
Turkey's apparent coup attempt on July 15, 2016, also gives rise to a great heroic saga. Although there were civilian and military casualties after the coup attempt, it was ultimately repulsed by the great labour of the people.
The process that succeeded in passing as ‘15 July Epic ' was turned into a museum by the municipality of Gaziantep. This special museum, located within the Station(İstasyon) Park, was opened to visitors exactly one year after the coup attempt. In general, the museum reflects the events that took place on 15 July 2016, especially in cities such as Ankara and Istanbul, with various narrative techniques.
July 15 Democracy Museum aims to reinterpret, remember and keep this historic day alive. All the details of the morning of July 16, 2016 can be traced here with collages of camera footage. At the same time, many photos of this special day are shared within this museum. Even tablet or mobile phone images taken that day were included among these visual materials. In a sense, the museum makes a presentation through visual monitors. In this sense, it outweighs its digital side and evokes the feeling of witnessing visitors.
July 15 Democracy Museum exhibits photographs of those killed that day and beyond in a separate section. At the same time, a large monument with these names inscribed on the exterior of the museum stands out. The July 15 Museum of Democracy, one of the city's most visitor-attracting museums in a short time, is open and free every day. You can easily visit the museum between 08:30 in the morning and 17:30 in the evening.

04.11.2022 08:53İstasyon aile parkının içerisinde yer alan müze. 15 temmuz anısına yapılmış ve içersinde darbenin ilk anından sonuna kadar bütün görüntülerin yer aldığı cep telefonu tablet görüntüleri güvenlik kamerası görüntüleri bulunmakta.