Tortum Waterfall (Uzundere)
01.06.2024 04:00
After Vietorio Falls (120 meters) and Niagara Falls (51 meters), Tortum Falls, the world's third largest waterfall, has a height of 48 meters and a width of 22 meters. The waterfall, which amazes those who see it with its worldwide features and stunning views, creates a unique ambience with its rainbow.
Tortum Waterfall, which was formed as a result of a landslide experienced in the 18th century of the mountain near the village of Balıklı, was formed by the closure of the Tev Valley, where tortum river flows. The height of the waterfall and its surroundings above sea level is 1,000 meters. The lake, which occurs at the end of the waterfall, is in the form of a natural pool. And here currently you can do water sports.
There are viewing balconies in front of the waterfall; Local, foreign tourists who come here enjoy the waterfall view with a magnificent lyintity structure, while listening to the roaring sound. As this follow-up climbs to the balconies, it is said that the air taken on the tracking stairs is good for people with shortness of breath and heart disease.
The most spectacular months of Tortum Waterfall, which takes on a different beauty at all periods of the year, are April and May. In June, there was a decrease in the amount of water. The waterfall and its surroundings are among the most popular promenade areas of Erzurum. Tortum Waterfall supply energy to the country besides the tourism. It is worth noting that the last hydroelectric power plant was built in 1952-1960.

14.09.2022 12:12Türkiye’nin kendi alanında en önemli turistik mekanlarından biri. Erzurum-Artvin karayolu üzerinde yer almasından ulaşımı oldukça kolay. Bunun yanında yenileme çalışması sonrası yürüyüş yolu yapıldı. Etrafını şimdi daha rahat gezebiliyorsunuz. Bundan önce şelalenin dibine kadar gidilebiliyordu ancak artık o imkan yok.
29.06.2022 12:53Harika bir tabiat manzarası var heybetli dağların oluşturduğu manzara enfesss :)