Haho Church (Stone Mosque)
17.08.2024 07:38
Haho Church (Stone Mosque), built in Erzurum, the historical city in eastern Turkey, with Georgian domination close to a thousand years ago, has reached the present day very well and is one of the city's standout touristics structures.
As we approach the historic structure with an extremely elegant architecture, the taste and air of the surrounding green tissue is spectacular. In a nutshell, there is a clean air and nature enjoyment that can be get by sitting on nearby benches. The church feels as soon as it sees its historical atmosphere. The construction date of the building, which promises a very rich experience visually, dates back to the early years of the 11th century.
It’s known to have been built by 3.Davit the famous Georgian King of the time. Centuries after Ottoman domination, it is recorded that it was converted into a mosque in the 19th century. It is estimated that the decreasing Christian population is effective in converting the structure into a mosque.
It's very interesting with the interior of the building. There are characteristic details and many reliefs. It's not overlooked that lion and bull like figures are delicately processed. The frescoes on Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, which are the source of the touristic interest, can also be seen indoors.
Located about 1.5 hours away from Erzurum city center, the building can be reached by private vehicles as well as by public transport.

26.10.2022 11:41Restore edilmesi gereken güzel bir mekan Döneminden bügüne kadar gelmiş harika bir eser.