Yıldırım Madrasa
23.06.2024 11:34
Yıldırım Madrasa, located within the borders of Bursa, was built in 1399. The madrasa, built by Yildirim Bayezid, underwent a major repair in 1948. Yildirim Madrasa has a rectangular structure. Porches surround the inner courtyard. Cells are located in the immediate rear section of these porches. Just across this area, there is a large domed classroom area.
The classroom measures 8.5 x 8.5 meters. The front of this classroom area is completely open. The plan of Yildirim Madrasa is long compared to other madrasas located in the city. Stalactite niches are located in both areas of the structure. Through the door with a low arch, the porches are covered with domes. Along the porches, the rooms are lined up. The rooms in the northern section are relatively larger. All of these rooms are vaulted. In addition, the doors of all these rooms open directly to the porches. The rooms are enriched by two niches and a furnace. The lead coverings in the domes immediately stand out. This place is considered in the context of the building community, which is actually located in a complex. In addition to the madrasa, there are also sections such as mausoleum, mosque, imaret and guest house.
The madrasa area is built in the northern section of the mosque. Cut mildew stones and bricks are used as building materials. There are 20 student rooms in the madrasa. The fact that it was the first Ottoman madrasa having closed frontier makes this place much more privileged. The plan of the place is an example for many madrasas built after it. Yildirim Madrasa from the first time it was built allows many important scholars to grow up. Abdulkadir Şeyhi Effendi and Mullah Gürani are among the first to come to mind. Although the madrasa has been damaged many times over time due to earthquakes and similar reasons, it is repaired every time.

14.11.2022 06:19Osmanlı Devleti’nin mimarlık ve yapı alanında bir üslup bütünlüğünü simgeleyen Yıldırım Külliyesi, Yıldırım Bayezid tarafından 1390’lı yıllarda yaptırılmıştır.