Sheikhkonevi Mosque
09.01.2024 05:01
The Sheikhkonevi Mosque in Bursa was built by Haji Sinan of Konya. The word ‘Konevi’, which gives the mosque its name, means Konyali (people being from Konya) for that period. According to the inscription in the entrance section of the historical mosque, this place was built in 1537. The mosque has a square plan and measures 7 x 7 meters long. At the same time, the entrance section of the space again contains the last congregational section with a depth of about three and a half meters. The dome covering the original worship area from the top is closed later thanks to a wooden ceiling.
Two rows of rubble stones and two rows of bricks are preferred on the facade walls. The original texture is damaged due to the addition of the space later. The minaret in the eastern part of the mosque is the only one of minaret balcony. At the same time, the cones here are sharp. To reach the minaret, a door is used in the eastern part of the main place of worship. A total of five hedgehog eaves are listed under the balcony of the minaret. The wooden window sashes belonging to the mosque are currently transferred to the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Works. In the meantime, it is understood that there was also a library with valuable manuscripts in it during the first period when the mosque was built in its inscription.
The mausoleum belonging to Sheikh Sadreddin Konevi, who built the mosque, is also located in the eastern part of the mosque. The mausoleum is square, just like the mosque. There is also a small pool in the courtyard part. 12 marble columns are connected by Bursa arches. The Sheikhkonevi states in his will that he did not want any housetop or mamure on his tomb. The shrine is built in accordance with this testament. Three lines of inscription are inscribed. The Sheikhkonevi Mosque is still intact today and is open for worship. The historical mosque is located on Konyalı Sokak in Osmangazi district.

01.12.2022 08:23Sonradan yapılan kısmında ibadet yapılan asıl(tarihi) kısmı mahzun bırakılan bir 1500 lü yıllardan kalma tarihi bir mescid.