Shahadet Mosque

Shahadet Mosque

14.08.2024 11:50

It is possible to encounter many baths, mosques, madrasas or shrines in Bursa as it was the capital of the Ottoman Empire for a time. Mosques in particular deserve to open a special bracket between these historic sites. Shahadet Mosque, which is known as one of the symbol mosques of Bursa, is in Hisar region. Mosque was built by I.Hüdavendigar in 1365. It is also referred as the ‘Castle Mosque’ because it was built in the opposite part of the palace at that time. Shahadet Mosque is named after the Sultan's martyrdom in Kosovo in 1389.

The historic mosque has a Great Mosque-like appearance with its dome and multi-pillar structure. In the northern section of the mosque, both the minaret and the last communion place are located. Two buttresses were built at the end of the 1600s to support the southern facade. The mosque, which was adversely affected by the earthquake in 1892, was repaired by Mahmut Jalaluddin. Shahadet Mosque is located opposite to officer’s club.

The most striking information about this place is that the mosque used to be a church. Because when the architecture of the mosque is examined, it will not be difficult to understand this situation. Non-Muslims living in the city of Bursa at that time consent to the conversion of the church into a mosque.Understanding of I.Murat being the Sultan of that time of them is the most important reason for this situation. At the same time, this situation is considered as an indication that different religious communities live in harmony in Bursa.

In the Ottoman Empire, the coexistence of palaces and places of worship is seen as a traditional attitude. Shahadet Mosque is a good example of this unity. In the facade section of the mosque, the restoration carried out after the earthquake included pointed arched windows in Gothic style. There are nine domes in total on the mosque. To visit the Shahadet Mosque, you must reach Ağaçlı Street in Osmangazi district.


Shahadet MosqueShahadet MosqueShahadet MosqueShahadet Mosque



  • caliskanahmt
    07.03.2023 13:35

    Bursa orduevinin karşısında bulunan çok eski bir camii.


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