Tomb of I. Murad Hüdavendigar
03.01.2024 09:14
It is located just north of the Hüdavendigar mosque in Bursa. The Tomb of I.Murad Hüdavendigar was built by Yıldırım Beyazid.
As many people who loved and closely followed Ottoman history know, Yıldırım Beyazid, is the son of I.Murat. The Tomb of I.Murad Hüdavendigar was also built in his name. As a result of the earthquake that took place in 1854, the shrine was completely destroyed. In fact, this earthquake negatively affects many structures in Bursa city at that time. It is rebuilt after the earthquake but it is quite far from its initial state. It is known that this period lasted exactly eight years. During the reign of II. Abdulhamid, it takes its present form.
The middle section of the dome, which is octagonal in shape, has brass railings. Within this area there's a crates belonging to I.Murad. Naturally, this is the most interesting sarcophagus here, but other than that, there are seven more crates in the tomb. Those who came to the tomb may also encounter crateses belonging to such names as Şehzade Yakup, son of I.Murad, his grandson Emir Suleyman and Şehzade Mehmet. Only the three crates could not be determined with certainty to whom they belonged.
I. Murad Hüdavendigar Mausoleum is known to have been built in 1389. When we examine the Tomb of Orhan Gazi, it is possible to see very serious similarities. Sultan I Murad, as it will be known to historians, was killed during the I.Kosovo War. I.Murad who lived between 1360 and 1389 is also referred by names such as Hüdavendigar or Ghazi Hünkar. At the entrance of the Tomb, two separate tombs meet you. One of them belongs to a magzuba who is known as Çekirge Sultan by the local people. He's also among the astrologers of I.Murad. The details of the decoration on the other tomb draw attention immediately. In the tomb,a woman who was buried here with the special permission of the Sultan lies.
The place where the tomb is located is one of the hill that dominates the city of Bursa. During the year, local visitors are attracted by the intense interest of I. Murad Hüdavendigar Mausoleum located in Osmangazi, Bursa.
