Balabanbey (Balanbey) Castle

Balabanbey (Balanbey) Castle

12.01.2024 18:18

Balabanbey Castle, in other words, Balabancık Castle is exactly in the Mollaarap quarter. The castle was built in 1303. Balabanbey gathers the Ottoman army at this fort. He would remain in the castle for a total of twenty-four years. The known conquest, which took place on 6 April 1326, is carried out from this castle. Therefore, the spiritual meaning of the castle is quite large for the local people.

Ghazi Osman Bey, a very important figure for the Ottomans, is very important to Bursa. After Sakarya and Bilecik, it mainly heads to Bursa city. Because Bursa Castle, which is surrounded by cliffs, will not be easy to take, Osman Ghazi makes two observation places in the east and west areas. These surveillance locations are also known as remittance towers. Since entry and exit points can be controlled, it is easier to blockade the city. The remittance tower at the eastern end is thus named after Balabanbey.

Balabancık Fort is frequently repaired during its historical journey. The castle, which somehow managed to reach the present day, is under protection. The feasts of the conquest of Bursa, which are traditionally organized every year, are held in this fortress. Balabancık Castle has a very important place in the siege of Bursa. This makes it very difficult for Byzantium to help the city. Aktimur Fortress, which is in the western section, does not reach today. Today it is presumed to be very close to Hamzabey mosque.

Another feature of Balabancık Castle is that it was the first work built by the Ottomans in Bursa. Balabancık Fortress, which features traces of Ottoman architectural style, is built with rubble stones. There are traces of windows on certain parts of the walls. Some of its walls are in uncertain condition as the rear section of the castle is filled in. The last restoration work was carried out by Yıldırım Municipality in 2006. As it is in an advantageous place in terms of transportation, you can reach the castle by means of various public transportation.


Balabanbey (Balanbey) CastleBalabanbey (Balanbey) CastleBalabanbey (Balanbey) Castle



  • gunmemoli
    14.11.2022 06:53

    Osman Bey döneminde, Bursafethedilmeden önce, Bursa Kalesidışında ayrı iki kule yapılmıştır. Bursa’yı kuşatmak üzere 1308 yıllarında yapılan kulelerinden biri Bursa’nın doğusunda, diğeri ise batısında idi.


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