Ali Pasha Mosque
05.06.2024 05:59
Bursa, which is one of the major cities of Turkey, always stands out as an attractive region in terms of tourism.
The number of places of worship in Bursa immediately stands out. Ali Pasha Mosque, which is among them, was built during the reign of Yildirim Bayezid. Ali Pasha, who was Bayezid's vizier at the time, played the most important role in the construction of the mosque. The historical mosque is’ T planned'. It is known that this style of plan started with Orhan Mosque. Ali Pasha Mosque took its biggest damage in the earthquake that took place in 1854. Already in that earthquake in Bursa, many structures take serious damage. After the earthquake, especially the dome and side wing parts become unusable. Immediately afterwards, a major repair work begins. As a result of these repairs, the historical mosque takes its present shape.
The masonry feet stand out at the last congregation site of the Ali Pasha Mosque. The historical place of worship has been restored many times throughout history, small or large amount. Each restoration process causes certain parts of the mosque to change. The domes of the mosque are now demolished. These domes are replaced by ceiling sections. The prayer section of the mosque is just below the domes. There are no traces of either the eastern or western wings. The original minaret of the mosque has not survived to this day, but a minaret was added later.
There is no clear information on the date of the construction of the Ali Pasha Mosque, which is located on the Eski (Old) Street. Despite this, the date 1394 draws attention in various records. The muqarnas listed side by side in the Alipasa Mosque, which belongs to the group of mosques with Zawiyah, attract attention. The sanctuary area is covered. Rubble stone and three rows of bricks are preferred in the walls. It is clear from today's traces that circle vaults were preferred in the upper section.

15.11.2022 12:24Yıldırım Bayezid zamanında Çandarlı Halil Hayreddin Paşa’nın oğlu, Yıldırım Bayezid’ın veziri Ali Paşa tarafından yaptırılmıştır.